OMNI Childhood Center
Your Baby
0-3 Years
EI - Early Intervention ​Evaluations & Services
Omni Childhood Center has a provider agreement with the NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Early Intervention, to provide EI - Early Intervention Services. Our program is approved, regulated and funded by NYS Dept of Health and the NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene. The Early Intervention Program is a public program for children under the age of 3 who are either suspected of having or at risk for developmental delays or disabilities.
Your Child Deserves
The Best Care Out There
Omni's providers will help you, as parents, focus on your child's development at a very crucial time in their life. Omni will help your child develop and utilize all of their natural abilities and participate as fully as possible in his or her family and community life. Omni honors all cultures, religions, languages and values. Providers are multilingual, multi-cultural, experienced and ready to assist your baby with all of their developmental needs.
Services We Offer at Omni Childhood Center:
Developmental Evaluations
Speech/Language, Feeding, Audiology & Vision Services
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Assistive Technology Devices & Services
Psychology & Social Work Services
Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)
Special Education
Service Coordination (Initial & Ongoing)
Family Support / Counseling
Parent /Caregiver Workshops
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