Special Education Itinerant Teacher
In-classroom support provided by a licensed special educator
OMNI Childhood Center
CPSE - Preschool Children 3-5 Years
Omni's goal is to provide superior, individualized special education services so that preschool children meet their full potential, while receiving support within the mainstream school system.
Our Special Education Itinerant Teachers (SEIT) are master educators, licensed by the State Education Department who work individually with each child within the preschool environment. Our teachers address a variety of concerns including attention, social/social emotional, cognitive, gross and fine motor delays as they present themselves in the classroom. Many of our teachers are ABA trained and are equipped to deal with specific behavioral interventions.
Omni has superior supervisors who work closely with parents, schools, and teachers to ensure that your child receives optimal level of service and care.
FAQ's About SEIT Services
A SEIT is a preschool teacher with a masters degree and state licensing in early childhood development and special education. A SEIT works under the supervision of a DOE contracted CPSE Agency such as OMNI Childhood Center.
A SEIT provides “push in” services within the general education setting. This is the least restrictive and most inclusive model for helping a child acclimate and thrive in the general preschool environment while addressing their individual needs.
SEIT ideally takes place in the child’s classroom. This can be daycare, public school, or a private child care setting.
Services take place during a childs school day, depending on the child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP). For example, if the IEP mandates that the child receive 5 hours of SEIT per week, that would typically be 1 hour per day over 5 days. Services must be between 8 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday.
The IEP details goals that need to be addressed for each child and the group size that is most appropriate. The SEIT colaborates with the classroom teacher to understand how to adapt the child's individual needs and IEP goals to the standard curriculum or routine. The SEIT might bring in visual aids or games to help a child understand what the teacher says. A SEIT may sit behind or beside a child during circle time to redirect the child's attention to the lesson. At times it might be necessary to bring a child to another area of the classroom for a sensory or movement break or to coach a child within a small group setting, using peer models to reinforce appropriate play and turn taking.
Why would a child receive SEIT services? This goes back to evaluations. When there are concerns about a child's development or performance within a group or educational environment, the Department of Education recommends and funds a comprehensive multi disciplianry evaluation. A child may receive services if: 1) The DOE psychological or educational evaluation indicates that the child's cognitive, social-emotional, or adaptive skills are below age level, affecting their ability to learn. 2) The Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE), upon review of the evaluations and meeting with the parents, determines that the child would benefit from individualized or small group support to help them navigate the preschool environment.
If you have concerns about your child, you as a parent have the right to request an evaluation subsidized by the Department Of Education (DOE).
If your child already has an IEP and has not been assigned to a SEIT/SEIT agency, reach out to info@omnichildhoodcenter.com and we will coordinate with the DOE to help your child receives mandated services.
If your child does not have an IEP or has not be evaluated, and you would like to request an evaluation, click on the the form below to get started.