CPSE Evaluations
Working in conjunction with the New York City Department of Education, Omni Childhood Center's Evaluation Department provides evaluations for preschool aged children 3-5. Evaluations are conducted to assess a wide variety of educational concerns. All evaluations are performed by New York State certified therapists who work to ensure that all concerns are addressed. Omni offers evaluations in many languages to better assess the concerns stated. An Omni representative will accompany you to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) conference, and assist in obtaining services.
The Following are Signs That a Child May Benefit From an Evaluation:
Exhibits speech difficulties such as stuttering or lisping
Cannot speak in complete sentences and/or has a limited vocabulary
Has difficulty walking up or down stairs
Is accident prone and may fall frequently
Cannot catch or throw a ball
Cannot grasp a spoon properly and may be a sloppy eater
Has difficulty gripping a crayon or pencil
Exhibits frequent outbursts of aggression or anger
Has difficulty making eye contact
Has difficulty paying attention
Does not complete assigned tasks
Does not follow teacher's instructions
Does not participate in classroom activities
Does not respond or answer when called upon
Continuously plays alone & ignores classmates
Refuses to share toys with classmates
​SEIT (Special Education Itinerant Teacher) Omni's goal is to provide superior, individualized special education services so that preschool children meet their full potential and remain in the mainstream school system.
Our special education itinerant teachers are licensed by the State Education Department and work on a one to one basis with each child in the child’s preschool environment. Our teachers treat a variety of disorders including attention deficit, social-emotional difficulties and cognitive, gross, and fine motor issues. Many of our teachers are ABA trained and are equipped to deal with behavioral intervention plans.
Our superior supervisory staff works closely with parents, schools, and teachers in order to ensure the optimal level of service and care is being provided to your child.
To start the process, please click on the link below.